In one sentence: Despite a strong premise, Incarceron ultimately fails to develop into anything more than a good idea with mediocre execution.
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In many sentences:
This was a pretty entertaining book, on the whole. There was nothing phenomenal about it, nor anything bad. The idea of Incarceron, as a prison that encompasses the entire world, is pretty interesting, and the execution upon that idea ultimately works, even if the revelation that the prison is actually super tiny is a little silly. I liked Claudia and the struggle she had to deal with outside the prison, as well as Finn and the struggle he had, both within the prison and within himself. Sure, a main character with amnesia isn't the most original idea, but it wasn't used in a frustrating or annoying way, so I'm okay with it.
The intrigue outside the prison with the Steel Wolves and Sapphique's legendary escape was interesting, and I look forward to seeing how that develops in the subsequent books. I'm not clamoring to read the next in the series, but when I have time I'll pick it up. The outside world also reminded me of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, though it was not as sexually charged as Atwood's.
This is a hard one in terms of recommendation. I don't not recommend it. There's nothing bad about it. But I wouldn't go out of my way to say everyone should read it either. Is there an 'I Guess' option available to me?
"Finn had been flung on his face and chained to the stone slabs of the transitway."
Original Publication
May 3, 2007
Digital edition
Feb. 8, 2011
464 pages