Tom rescues Frodo and Co. from the Barrow Wight and they arrive in Bree
Frodo awakes inside the Barrow, and fights off the Wight. He sings, and Tom comes to the rescue, dispelling the Wight and looting the Barrow. The Hobbits each receive a dagger. Tom joins Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin on the remainder of their journey to the Road. Tom leaves, and The Hobbits make the rest of the journey to Bree, where they head to the Prancing Pony. There they meet Barliman Butterbur, Nob, and Strider. During a song, Frodo accidentally puts the Ring on, surprising the Inn's customers and driving them off. Butterbur gives Frodo a letter he was meant to deliver 3 months ago. Strider reveals himself as Aragorn and he joins the party. They learn that the Black Riders are in Bree, so they do not return to their room.
These major characters were present
Gandalf, riding Shadowfax, arrives in the Shire
These major characters were present
In the calendar of the Shire, there are 12 months each with 30 days, so there will be no results for the 31st of any month, and February will have entries on the 29th and 30th.
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