Frodo and Co. spend the day at Tom Bombadil's
Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin spend the day with Tom, who tells them many tales about the Old Forest, Old Man Willow, and how Tom is the Eldest. Tom examines the One Ring, even putting it on to no effect. Frodo then puts the Ring on for the first time (that we see), but Tom can still see him. Tom teaches the group the way to the Road, how to pass the Barrow Downs, and a song to sing should they need his help.
These major characters were present
Gandalf rides Sahdowfax from Rohan to the Shire
Gandalf continues to ride Shadowfax from Rohan to the Shire.
These major characters were present
In the calendar of the Shire, there are 12 months each with 30 days, so there will be no results for the 31st of any month, and February will have entries on the 29th and 30th.
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