Utterly amazing book. I don't know where to start when it comes to Catch-22. My paltry synopsis above does nothing to capture what makes this book so great, and …
- Jan. 15, 2012The most unfortunate thing about The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is that it's so popular, and such a feature of our modern culture, that it now seems cliché and overwrought. …
- Jan. 5, 2012There were a lot of highs and lows to this collection of short stories which, on the whole, left me feeling like they were simply good, but not great short …
- Dec. 12, 2011I really enjoyed this book. Kafka is a fascinating character, and the struggles he goes through are very well realized. I was enamored by both the Kafka and Nakata story …
- Nov. 19, 2011I love that Kafka jumps right into Gregor being transformed into the vermin. There's no exposition into who Gregor was before the metamorphosis or any tension building up to the …
- Oct. 16, 2011Plugged is basically a beach book that you shouldn't take too seriously, or read if you and expecting anything more than some crude humor and decent action. There's no deep …
- Oct. 8, 2011There is so much to talk about with Labyrinths that I don't even know where to start. First of all, after reading this collection, I think Borges is phenomenal and …
- Oct. 5, 201111, a prime number, is quite prominent throughout the book. Root turns 11 on the eleventh. The Professor dies 11 years after the Housekeeper worked for him. She is the …
- Aug. 26, 2011Oliver Twist is a funny entertaining book that reminded me a lot of Don Quixote, especially in terms of the subtle irony and humorous chapter titles. It also had …
- July 15, 2011I unfortunately realized on 09-01-2011 that I never wrote a critique for Till We Have Faces so my recollection here will be somewhat less precise than it would have been …
- Jan. 15, 2011My biggest problem with this book was the self-referential way that it talked about itself. I don't mind self-reference, in fact I love it, but this reminded me of an …
- Dec. 7, 2010I don't have much to say that isn't covered in the first, except that it's still hard to tell some of the characters apart, but it's fun and entertaining so …
- Nov. 12, 2010Just as I did with the first 2 books in the series, I enjoyed Mockingjay and finished it in just a few days. It was a fast, easy read that …
- Sept. 30, 2010There's not a lot of depth to Scott Pilgrim, but it is a fun little graphic novel that I enjoyed reading. There were definitely some funny moments, and the …
- Aug. 28, 2010It's great to have read this book just after finishing Of Other Worlds, and in particular the essay "On Stories", by C.S. Lewis. In that, he discusses the worth …
- Aug. 21, 2010